dekofee Stainless Steel Tool No. 4 - Flat Tool, Large Spoon

  • 16122
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Flat tool With the flat tip, structures can be worked out particularly well. Wrinkles or other... more
Product information "dekofee Stainless Steel Tool No. 4 - Flat Tool, Large Spoon"
Flat tool
With the flat tip, structures can be worked out particularly well. Wrinkles or other striking facial features are just a few examples. The flat edges of the tool are rounded and allow clean working.

Large spoon
The large spoon-shaped tool tip makes it easy to form larger cavities. It is particularly suitable for working out the oral cavity. Due to the curvature of the tip it is very easy to model from the inside out and very interesting effects can be achieved in this way.

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  • +49 (0)5962 7799915